Academy of Leadership, Policy and Governance
2024 Applications Due March 14, 2023
Email for Details

“Throughout the state, a generational churn is slowly taking place. As many leaders that have served in both public and private sectors begin to retire and move on, it will become critical that their successors are prepared to step up and take the reins. The Action 22 Leadership Academy, a selective, non-partisan leadership experience, is designed to educate and prepare the next generation of leadership that is going to guide our state into the future. Ensuring Colorado has strong and informed leadership cannot be any more important, than it is right now.”
-Garrison Ortiz, Leadership, Policy and Governance Foundation Chair
The Leadership, Policy & Governance Academy is a professional fellowship with the purpose of elevating regional leadership, thoughtful public policy, and the integrity of governance for Colorado’s rural communities. The objective is strengthening not only our collective voice, but our overall
effectiveness in public service.
Despite our best efforts, year after year our communities become collateral damage of public policy and legislation with unintended consequences landing squarely in our laps. With stakeholder process narrowing each year in the face of 700 bills per Session and new regulations ever increasing – the added burden is becoming unmanageable. How do we effectively overcome this trend?
The Big Idea:
Build a “deeper bench” by upskilling current and emerging leaders for our Action22 area. Through high level executive training, we empower our leaders to better position themselves to be policy advocates, drive community solutions and engage our state and federal legislators in meaningful ways.
7 Months – 7 Modules:
Under the instruction Colorado’s top subject matter experts and partnering with colleges to ensure undergraduate and graduate level curriculum, Academy Fellows will finish with mastery of seven key areas:
Block 1
Introduction to the Colorado Legislative Process
Block 2
Local Governments in Colorado
Block 3
Colorado Fiscal Policy
Block 4
Non-Profit Admin & Organizational Leadership
Block 5
Federal Legislative Policy
Block 6
Ballot Initiatives in Colorado
Block 7
The Wrap-up, Forecasting and Graduation of Academy
Logistics & Outcomes:
· In-person meeting 1 Thursday-Friday per month.
· Fellows are required to participate in online discussions.
· Work product will include writing one bill to submit for introduction and delivery on one community capacity project.
· Fellows will be expected to serve as mentors for the subsequent years’ classes.
Enrollment Requirements and Cost:
1. Be a current Action Colorado member in good standing.
2. Demonstrate an already active leadership role in our community with
· letter of intent,
· your resume and at least
· one reference from an Action Colorado member or Academy Fellow
3. $5000/Fellow/7-month course